Monday, 21 September 2009

Track Choices and Initial Ideas 1

Track 11 - David Ford - A Long Time Ago


Our initial ideas are that, it would be set in the countryside where the artist would sing alone in golden fields singing towards the camera on a picturesque day whilst there are cuts to the man and woman in the city. The song is about a man and a woman who used to be a couple but then broke up, now the man still has feelings for her and waits for her at her house just to see her. 'Clouds on the moon,It was a hollywood sky, I sat on the wall, 'til your parents drove by.' In our video we would film a man waiting at the womans house trying to recover what they had 'a long time ago' looking up at the skies above whilst the clouds go by for only the woman to be getting on with her life totally oblivious to the man. At the end of our video the man and woman's paths would finally 'converge' , in which the tone and pace also goes into slow motion in which it would end on that as the last lyrics are 'It was all such a long time ago.Now was it though?'


We have chosen the countryside/rural area for the artist and the city scenario for the man and woman. Through this contrast, the audience will be more engaged to the video.

Our initial ideas are that, it would be set in the countryside where the artist would sing alone in golden fields singing towards the camera on a picturesque day whilst there are cuts to the man and woman in the city. The song is about a man and a woman who used to be a couple but then broke up, now the man still has feelings for her and waits for her at her house just to see her. 'Clouds on the moon,It was a hollywood sky, I sat on the wall, 'til your parents drove by.' In our video we would film a man waiting at the woman's house trying to recover what they had 'a long time ago' looking up at the skies above whilst the clouds go by for only the woman to be getting on with her life totally oblivious to the man. At the end of our video the man and woman's paths would finally 'converge' , in which the tone and pace also goes into slow motion in which it would end on that as the last lyrics are 'It was all such a long time ago.Now was it though?'


Our main concept for our music video is to produce two screens in our video, one is of the artist singing in a rural area with nothing surrounding him whilst a couple are in there own storyline playing out the lyrics of the song. The main goal is to produce a flowing smooth video with high quality transitions. We would also try to add our own touch to the video by adding intelligent clips that accompany the instrumentals of the song, a video signature that we have discovered in the opening of David Ford - Go to Hell.

Look and Feel - Costumes/Props
The style of the video would be quite indie/country where the costumes would correlate with conventions of the indie genre. We have chosen to use Paolo Nutini as inspiration for our music video, his style and genre highly correlates with our chosen song, therefore we have decided to dress our chosen actor in a chequered shirt, jeans, trainers and a hat, a very casual look.
Goodwin's Theory
To meet the needs of the record label, there would be constant close ups of the artist singing towards the camera on a split screen. This would create a visual image of David Ford that can run throughout his work, this could then be replicated on his cover for the music video and magazine advert. The visual image is a casual, down to earth guy, an image that has intertextual references to Jack Johnson and Paolo Nutini, artists that are already well established in the field.

Overall, the concept that we have created is realistic in what can be achieved in the time that we have been allocated, through having simplistic foundations, it will lay the basis for an overall high quality video. A video that will focus and concentrate on portraying the conventions of our genre, producing a visual image of David Ford that can be distinctively identified throughout all his future work and also have our own touch that will make our video stand out in comparison to other videos of the Indie genre.

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