Saturday, 26 September 2009


Making our animatic was a very helpfull process, it gave us the opportunity to analyse our idea for the music video. It helped us fit the video in perfectly with the music itself. When we added the music against our storyboard on final cut we realised that we had to change the length of some of the shots that was different to our original plan. Our first shot is of moving clouds, we original planned for this to be a short opening to the beginning of the video where there is an instrumental, but when we added the music against it we realised it would have to be longer than we first anticipated. Likewise we discovered that some shots would have to be a lot shorter than we thought they could be, as our music video is going to be a narrative video. The majority of the video is of the artist singing the lyrics aswell as the narrative going on at the same time, it helped us work out timing for the individual shots.

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